Sebuah Harapan Yang Memacu Perjalananku....

Jumaat, 22 Ogos 2014

When A Pisces Try To Understand Her Ownself

Halllooooouuuuuu...wiiieettt wieeettt...lama tak berdating dgn blog nih..bersawang berhabuk berkarat dah blog aq sekoq ni...maaflah blog..tuan kamu ni bukanlah teramat busy actually more to dont have a right word to 'type' or 'THERE IS NO INTERNET CONNECTION' ayat yg buat aq rasa terbakor lg tringin membakor segala tiang2 kabel internet yg hado [kabel internet pakai tiang ker?? whateverlah] oklah..dah lme tak menaip ni kan...tetibe rase nak menaip plak...dok main scroll2 twitter tadi [almaklumlah takde bende nk buat cecuti sem nih..konon~~]...trnampak geng den dok retweet pasal Pisces punye character...dgn perasaan selamba yg pon p la tgk ape lg yg ditweet kat situ...makin lama baca...makin macam betul ajer ape yg ditulis dgn diri aq...ini bukan ramalan hokey...ini kajian pasal misunderstanding I would like to share some of the Pisces character that I have read that make me think "yeahh...thats me"..

  1. Pisces weakness is often being confused - yeahhh...thats totally me..cant deny much more..wehehehehe
  2. Pisces over thinks every detail - Thats why we always get confuse..
  3. Pisces think with their heart, and often forget to think with their head. - Also the main reasons why we always get confuse..
  4. Pisces can have a large group of friends but may only feel a strong connection to a select few - Yupsss...I do have a lot of friends..but close friend?? dont expect it more than a bucket of big flower in a small vase..not all people called friends are actually understand, stand and accept you the way you are.. (read no. 5)
  5. Pisces would rather have one close friend, instead of one hundred acquaintances. - Tons of friends sometimes doesnt mean anything when they not there when you needed someone to lean..
  6. Pisces don't have a ton of friends, but they are very loyal to the friends they have - "Once my bestfriends...always my one can change matter how many thousand new friends I met"......thats one of my life principle..
  7. A Pisces will share nearly everything in their world if they care for you - For me..only person that closest to me are allowed to use whatever mine if they want without getting permission from me but (read no. 8) mom is in the top of the list..she 'rob' my money whenever she wants T_T ..some of my bestfriends also have this right..just they dont know it..hehe
  8. Pisces have a mild case of OCD, everything has to be on place - Once you use it...put it back where it belong or I kill you...
  9. Pisces can push beyond their limitations and grow into amazing people - When I seriously start to focus on something..even myself cant believe what I'm going to be..and at the end..the only word comes out "Did I do that??" unfortunately its not easy to make me focus...wekekekeker
  10. Pisces lives in a sea of thoughts, feelings and beliefs - Three thing that I would never take for granted..
  11. Pisces can never put their emotions in words, they use music to explain their feelings - The song I listen to usually describe my emotion at that time..
  12. Sometimes Pisces emotions are so deep and so powerful words cannot express them - When it happen..I just keep it silence and let they play on my mind...and that also the main reason I dont update my blog...weheheheheher
  13. A Pisces woman's heart is much like a butterfly wing, delicate and beautiful but extremely breakable so take care of her - No comments...but its meT_T..I get hurt easily even in little thing..happen more if it with the person I care and love...but usually I just let it pass by and keep forgiving them...
  14. Pisces is super sensitive. You have to watch what you say to them because something you think is small may really hurt their feelings. - Like I said the end usually I choose to let it pass by and forgive them..
  15. The Pisces woman is unlike any other; beautiful, endearing and full of charm - ????me??? I just like being someone comfortable to others..
  16. Pisces love their friends and will cross oceans to help and spend time with the people they cherish - I think some of my bestfriends knows always have my time even in my most hectic schedule..
  17. Don't be fooled by a Pisces. They may seem naive but they are great thinkers, extremely creative, driven and make great leaders! - Just give me some opportunity and courage..I will prove it to you;))
  18. Pisces always tend to be in a long term relationship - Once I start to be close with somebody..I always hope it remains forever even when we dont actually able to meet each other..
  19. Pisces love singing and dance, they are ruled by their feet - biggest secret when I alone..
  20. Pisces can keep a straight face while making up a complete bullshit story - My biggest trick to my friends^_^...I always manage to make people believe when I lying..but unfortunately it always hard to make people believe me when I said the truth..haiishhh
  21. Pisces do not get angry, they get cold - When I get angry to a person..I will shut up my mouth suddenly and keep ignore them as a hint that I'm angry...
  22. Pisces know just how to hide their emotions. But that doesn't mean they will - When I get angry or annoyed to the person that seems dont get it even when I hint it...I show it..
  23. Pisces are usually put second to those who they put first - Of course..if they happy..I will be double happy..
  24. Pisces have a soft spot for childish stuff, but that don't mean they are childish - hehehehehehe;p totally true...I love toys and sometimes secretly still play with it...
  25. Pisces can see right through into your heart even if you're the best actor/actress in the world - It only happen if that person is someone I really care is because (read no. 26 and 27)...
  26. Pisces have a sixth sense when it comes to their loved ones. They feel when they're hurt & need someone - Pisces are known for their sixth sense:))) which only can be use to those we love and care..
  27. Pisces love to look into people's eyes, it's their way of looking into their soul - Eyes never lies...when you see me looking to your eyes when you talk to me..thats mean there are something that I want to ensure from you..if just someone that I need to listen to..the reason I still listening is because (read no. 28)
  28. Pisces are great listeners. They listen and they will never get tired of you. - Bhehehehehe
  29. Pisces get taken advantage of due to their angelic nature and kind hearted soul - I totally feeling this when I being the editor of the group do wrong..I patiently correct it even the clock show it 2 a.m in the morning...why I just cant ask you to correct it yourself??? grrrrr...
  30. Pisces cant stop thinking about you when they like you - 100% true...when I start become a fan of an artist..I tend to think about them unconsciously .."hard die fan without realize"
  31. Pisces are dreamers and live in their own world and have the ability to do amazing things for others - Yuppss..I'm a dreamer and I love to make sweet thing to people I love..but usually they dont appreciate it:((((
  32. Pisces unknowingly observe many things that others do not notice because their minds are constantly wondering- they are dreamers - I consider it as one of my ability..^_^ some of my friends used to say that I always realize something they also a good source of info to start a gossip with your friend when you bored..wehehehe
  33. Pisces over-analyze absolutely everything - hehehehe..I told you sometimes I can be very detailed person...totally useful when it come to editing an assignment...wekekeker
  34. Pisces can read your thoughts and they've been observing your energy, mood and body language since you walked through the door - Benefit of having an observer like me as your friend..kekekekeker..but I usually prefer not to talk about it even though I realize it until youself tell me what going on actually...
  35. A Pisces mood can leave you feeling like you are on a seesaw. When they are up, they are very up. When they are down, they are rock bottom - Yess..I'm a hyper yet a moody person..admit it... (read no. 36)
  36. A Pisces can be extremely happy one minute then suddenly the world is crashing down the next. - When I realize something doesnt fit with myself then I start to change 360 immediately..
  37. No matter how much wrong you do to a Pisces somehow they still find the good in you - Seriously..I feel this to one or two of my bestfriend..even when mom say I should not friends with them anymore..I still want because (read no. 38 & 39)
  38. Pisces hardly hates, unless you've hurt him/her really badly.
  39. Pisces never wants to hurt others unless they think they deserve it, and even then they might not. - Feeling pity is my main problem..
  40. Pisces have the ability to love you more than you can ever imagine - I just dont like to show it..or actually I dont know how to show it.. (read no. 41)
  41. A Pisces on the outside looks like they don't care, but a Pisces actually really cares & does doesn't show it. - Yuppss..true..I care
  42. Pisces love to feel loved and spoiled - One way to make me close to you... but (read no. 43)..
  43. Pisces can be anti-social sometimes, not want to be bothered for awhile, and get annoyed if you keep trying to talk to them - Even though I love to spend time with my friends and family..but when it time for me to be alone...please..please..please dont disturb me...
  44. Sometimes a Pisces won't talk to anyone all day because they don't think anyone will understand what they're thinking. - Moment of silence in my life means moment that I have alot to think..sitting and starring without any word..
  45. Don't worry if your Pisces sleeps a lot. They love to sleep - Wahahahaha...all my friends and family will have no doubt to say yes about this...
  46. Pisces is a carefree, happy-go-lucky but also know how to be serious.- We play when its time to play...we work when its time to work..basic concept of my ethic..
  47. Pisces are the dreamers with their head in the clouds and their feet planted firmly on the ground. - Totally me when in the lecture hall or in event that dont have my attention at all or even sometimes happen when I walk alone..wehehehe
  48. Pisces can be very shy but once they come out of their shell watch the party animal come alive! - People who dont know me will surely say that I'm a nerd and quiet..but my friends will definitely be the one who object that strongly.. 
  49. Pisces are closest family people. Looking at them you would never expect it, but they love their moms. - I always say at the end of semester when it times for me and my friends to return to our homes.."I dont miss my home yet.." but it doesnt mean I dont love my family..they are my everything..
  50. No one can truly understand what goes on in a Pisces mind, its too complex for even them to understand - Conclusion of myself...hehehehe
    enough for now...too much actually..maybe next time...but yg aq list kan tulah sebahagian dari diri aq yg aq blajar hrini...its feel better when you know yourself..wehehehehe..for more info about Pisces character..just go ..oklah thats all for now...bubbyeyo

    P/S : Dont judge a book by its cover...dont judge me based on what you read just some piece of myself...

Sabtu, 5 Julai 2014

Sedang berpuasa

assalamualaikum...ecececeh..tetibe bersalam salaman...maklumlah bebulan Ramadhan ni...buat baik2 la skit...kang aq pekik HOIIIII..mau melatah sampai terbukak puasa tu kang...xpasal2 membazir makanan yg ditelan sahur tadi.....sbenornye xde bende pon nk diupdate kli ni...just nak membuang masa jer cecuti sem ni...last cuti sem...lepas ni dah xde dah cuti sem berbulan2...dah nak praktikal dah...huwaaaa...nervous I....oklah..dah xde idea dah nak tulis mende...bubyeyo...Selamat Berpuasa di Bulan Puasa...wekekerk

p/s: Listening to - Give it to me - Sistar

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Long Time No See~~

wekekekekekekekeker...hai hai....lama tak aq hilang???? hehehehe...bukan sengaja hokey...nak update..tapi laptop merangkap boyprenss baru kesayangan aq ni entah kenapa..anti betul dgn account Google...jgn kate nk bukak blog...nak sign in Gmail aq pon xlepas...asyik error memanjang...menyampoh...Google pon..bukan main banyak songeh die...makin menyampoh ler aq nk pon trpakse cari jln cmne nak bagi boleh bukak semula account Google aq..sbb ade assignment memerlukan aq pkai account Google...klu tak...takdenye lah aq bleh update story aq kt blog nih.....oh by the way...last entry aq dlu [kira2 seratus dua puluh empat tahun lamanya] aq update yg aq nk masuk sem 5 utk sem 5 aq trcapai...trlebeh lebeh I'm semester 6 student...huuuuu!!! final year katenye...kejap jer kan...dulu aq tgk roomate aq jadi student sem plak jadi student sem never stop rotate....sem 6 ni...bru start...dah brbagai masalah dah ade...jadual aq sampai sekarang beterabur lingtang pukang tak tentu hala semua ada...semalam aq sampai nk demam tahap kronik bile tgk jadual aq...tak pernah2 jd mcm ni...tapi maybe ni dugaan kot...ada hikmahnya...inshaAllah...trying to calm down my self right the end of the semester..I surely will smile remembering how difficult it is to start the new for now...I try my best to be as tough as possible...hokeylah...thats all for now...see you next entry...bubbyeyo

p/s: Mohon dipermudahkan segala...

Jumaat, 6 September 2013

Holiday Ends...Lets Start The 5th Semester...!!

hooiii hooiii orang2 sekalian alam..!!! aq update blog ni!!! lepas da berzaman berkurun berabad..akhirnyaaa....hehehehe..sejuta maaf diminta kerana tidak mengupdate kisah sensasi sye utk sekian lamanye[kelass kau jah..mcm retis ayat] ok enough with the introduction...lets start with the first story...seperti yg ternampak kt title entry tu...den punyo cuti sem dah abes dah...duo bulan lamonyo[practise lopongkan mulut ala2 serombong kapal titanic] cuti kali ni mcm x brape nk cuti lah sebenornye...sbb sehari lepas aq balik...nenek den pon jatuh sepanjang cuti ni aq byk habeskan mse tolong mak aq jage nenek aq[tetibe rse mcm cucu yang begitu bertanggungjawab..fuhh] but alhamdulillah..sibuk2 pon still dpt peluang hangout dgn org2 kesayangan den..haaaa...asal aq ckp org kesayangan je mulalah korg pikiaq boyprenggg...hello kello[teringat lagu Hello Hello dlm criter Full House: Take 2] org2 kesayangan den tu op cozzzss lah kawan2 den yg telah beberapa bulan terpisah demi mengejar cita cita masing masing[penuh perasaan nih] miss them a lot actually...ok next story...hri ahad ni...tanggal 8 September 2013..maka brmulala semula kehidupan aq sbg mahasiswi UUM bg semester kelima...cepat kan??? rsenye mcm bru je semlm aq terketaq ketaq p daftar masuk U...sekarang aq dah sem 5...da seniorita dah...fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh[buang angin jap..tak kesahlah dri mne pon angin tu nk kluar]..azam aq utk sem 5 nk buat lg baek dri sem 3 aq...nape bukan lebih baek dri sem 4...sbb mse sem 4 aq down skit...lpas pecah otak mse sem 3..tak sempat fully recover aq da kne hadap sem 4...thats why la mse sem 4 aq down pointer utk sem 4 pon sederhana je...pokoknye tak kurang 3.5..thats my aim mse sem 4...but utk sem 5 rse aq da fully recover dri segala jenis kepenatan fizikal dan mental..not 100%..but I think it more than enough to make me face the 5th semester with a flying colour...inshaa Allah......oklah thats all for now kisah sensasi hidup aq[sensasi kerk??] see you in the next entry...bubbyeyo

p/s: sedang addict tengok performance Nine Muses [pesanan yg tiada kaitan langsung dgn entry...ceeiitt]

Isnin, 1 Julai 2013

49 Days...Journey Between Death and Life

huuuuuuuuu...sedeh...huuuuuuuu...sedeh2..huuuuuuuuuuuuu...sedeh sedeh sedeh...nk tau x nape aq sedeh sesgt ni..sbb smlm aq bru abes tgk citer korea..49 Days..tu poster kat atas tu..ok2 aq tau citer ni citer trlambat tgk... ade aku kesah..pokoknye aq da tgk..ko dah??? citer ni serious byk moral value die...not like other typical korean drama yg mostlynye base dgn cinta antara dua darjat..dua jiwa..dua orang [mmg la org..xkan monkey plak].. 49 Days citer die mnyanyat hati sgt... watak utama die Shin Ji Hyun..a girl who has such a perfect life..mcm aq [cewwahhh...tetibe interframe...prasan kau jah..] Ji Hyun ni cantek, comel, baek hati, periang, positive thinker, anak org kaya, anak manja, kesayangan kwn2 die and tunang kesyangan kpd Kang Min Ho..kekononnye lelaki tercharming dan terkacak dlm hidup die [kacak pekejadahnye aq pon x paham part ni].. tp disebabkan die ni baek sgt..and sometime mcm lurus bendul skit..ramai kwn2 die trsalah faham dgn kebaikan die..dieorg ingat si Ji Hyun ni mengada-gada..gedik and sok suci [terkeluar bahasa indon..kehkeh] padahal si Ji Hyun ni punyelah ikhlas... antara org pling obvious tersalah faham dgn kebaikan Ji Hyun adelah kwn baek die yg pling die rapat..Shin In Jung..In Jung ingat Ji Hyun ni sengaja nk tunjuk2 kekayaan die..sume yg die beli..die akn belikan skali utk In Jung..yelah In Jung ni org miskin sbenornye..menumpang je kt rumah Ji die mcm terasala bile Ji Hyun buat die mcm tu..kononnye die x mampu sgt nk beli ape yg Ji Hyun belikn utk die...
Shin Ji Hyun
[pandai pengarah drama ni pilih pelakon ni..muka putih pucat innocent..sebijik mcm roh yg tgh bergentayangan...eee seram]

Shin In Jung[nilah kawan baek Ji Hyun yg tersalah paham tahap dewa tu...jahat..x sedor diri punye minah]
Kang Min Ho
[inilah tunang Ji Hyun yg kononnye tercharming dan terkacak seantero alam tu...part mne kacak tu..jgn tnye x jumpe]
ok..sambung citer...suatu hari ade seorg manusia ni name Song Yi Kiong tingtong [ok tingtong itu tokok tambah] nk bunuh diri...kemurungan lepas boyprenggg die mati accident 5 tahun lepas..xde smangat nk hidup..monyok je muke..letih aq tgk...hari2 makan ramen [dgn harapan mati keracunan makanan segera...x logik betul].. die yg nk bunuh laen plak yg mati..dia selamat..yg mati tu..Shin Ji Hyun..xsemena mena...dah la time die accident tu..die bru lepas trnampak tunang die si Kang Min Ho dgn In Jung tu brpeluk pelukkan sedangkn time tu die punyelah happy nk hantar baju pengapit pd In Jung [korg bleh dgr x lagu Patah Seribu time ni..patah seribu hatiku ~~~] ..dgn rase pelik brsulam kesedihan..roh Ji Hyun dpt tau jasad die tgh koma kt hospital and tiada harapan hidup sbb otak die da mati [kepala die time accident tu terhantuk kuat kt stereng kete..roh die plak tercampak kluar] ...tetibe dtg seorg malaikat handsome [konon2 ok..jgn terpesong] nme die Scheduler..tugas die..amik roh org mati...Scheduler ni bgtau Ji Hyun yg sebenarnye time Ji Hyun mati blom smpai terpakse mati dlu sbb kesilapan org laen iaitu si Yi Kiong yg nk bunuh diri td tu..maka oleh itu..Ji Hyun diberi pilihan..either nak mati terus atau..dlm tempoh 49 hati..cari 3 titis air mata suci dri org yg betul2 ikhlas sygkan die selain family die and then die bleh hidup semula...korg mesti da dpt agakkan jawapan Ji Hyun ape..klu aq pilih 49 hari tu..blom sedia dan belom sepatutnye mati...buat ape plak aq pilih nk mati..berpantang ajal sebelom maut la katekan...
[malaikat maut handsome dan penjaga kpd roh Ji Hyun sepanjang 49 hari tu..giler muzik..memula jahat, selfish, slowly jd baek and prihatin sbb x smpai hati tgk Ji Hyun..mse die hidup nme die Song Yi Soo..arwah boypreng Song Yi Kyung..sbb kematian dielah Yi Kyung nk bunuh diri]
Song Yi Kyung
[minah ni frust menonggeng lpas boypreng die Yi Soo mati lpas dieorg breakup..byk kli nk bunuh diri,,tp x lepas..last2..sbb die Ji Hyun terbunuh dan jd roh bergentayangan..sbg balasan..badan die roh Ji Hyun guna time die tgh tidur...great actress ok..die bleh tukar2 personaliti dgn excellent dlm drama ni...kjap2 jd Yi Kyung yg sedeh benor tu..kjap2 jadi Ji Hyun yg happy go lucky and optimistik]
byk moral value dlm drama ni yg aq dpt..x byk drama korea yg selitkan moral value mcm drama ni..balik2 moral value die..percayalah pada cinta sejati antara seorg lelaki dan seorg perempuan...huuuu...klise ok...antara moral value yg aq dpt dlm drama ni..kasih sayang seorang anak pada ibu bapanya..walaupun dalam status sbg roh..Ji Hyun tetap berusaha bantu dan lindung mak ayah die drpd kene tipu dgn Kang Min Ho..bile mak ayah die sedeh and putus asa..die gune badan Yi Kyung and bg semangat pd mak ayah die walaupun die xdpt nk bgtau mak ayah die yg dlm diri Yi Kyung tu adalah die..Shin Ji Hyun...selain tu..erti keikhlasan..bila Ji Hyun da jd roh..bru die yg pling dekat dan pling die syg adalah org yg pling x ikhlas syg die..sebaliknya.. org yg selalu brgaduh and jauhkan diri dri die adalah org yg pling amik berat and syg die..thats show that...keihklasan seseorang adalah sesuatu yg sukar diduga...kita xkan pernah tahu...takkan pernah nampak...malah kita mungkin boleh tertipu dgnnya...
Han Kang
[mamat nilah yg pling ikhlas sygkan Ji Hyun...mse Ji Hyun hidup die slalu gaduh dgn Ji Hyun sbb die kecewa Ji Hyun brtunang dgn Kang Min Ho,,tp lpas Ji Hyun jd roh..dialah hero pelindung Ji Hyun malah die tabah giler menunaikan permintaan terakhir Ji Hyun..terharu sgt dgn watak ni]
byk lglah moral value citer ni...keyword utama..tabah, sabar dan ikhlas...seriously..nilah citer korea yg pling byk pengajarannye..mmg sgt direkomenkan utk ditgk kpd sesiapa yg blom tgk...korg ingat sng ke aq nk post entry psal citer korea yg aq tgk klu citer tu x betul2 mlekat dijiwa and bermanfaat utk dihayati bersama [eh eh..sedap pulak bahasa] klu korg tgk..bru korg paham dan dpt rase pengajaran2 yg aq dpt dri citer ni...oklah thats all for this entry..Selamat Menonton 49 Days kpd sesiape yg nk tgk n terniat nk tgk...bhehehehe

p/s: Jadilah seseorang yang disayangi dan dihargai ketika hidup dan juga ketika mati...

Khamis, 30 Mei 2013

Petua Sihat, Cergas, Cantik lagi Awet Muda

wehehehe...harini aq nk beramal jariah nk share pasal tips2 kesihatan..oleh sbb aq da nk final exam..maka kesihatan amatlah penting utk dijaga ketika ini...wehehehehehe [awat aq gelak lagu ni?] firstly aq nk habaq tips pasal kombinasi mkanan yg boleh mnjejaskan ketenteraman perut kite..bayangkanlah ea..tgh2 dok sedap lg khusyuk jwb exam..tetibe perut memulas plak..pehhhh...bleh sakit jiwa serta merta beb [klu aq bleh meraung weh] ...oleh itu anda adalah sgt tidak digalakkan utk mkn kombinasi makanan dibawah ini utk memastikan perut anda berasa tenteram lg aman damai ketika exam...

  3. IKAN + SUSU
  4. AYAM + SUSU
  5. IKAN + TELUR [ini aq pernah xingatlah sakit perut ke tidak time tu..pokoknye time tu bukan time selamat..wehehehe]
  6. IKAN + DAUN SALAD [ni pon pernah buat...kat rumah rasenye...kt rumah..biaselah..segala mknan nk bedal..]
  7. SUSU + CUKA
  8. BUAH + SUSU ( cth: KOKTEL ) [bru buat hritu mse party blok aq...tembikai + koktail..naseb perut aq kebal...wekekekeke..promise won't do it again]
ni plak petua utk mndapatkan wajah baby face lg cantik susuk tubuhnya seperti aku [cewaaahhhhhh...sila muntah sekarang] ...
  1. JANGAN MAKAN BUAH SELEPAS MAKAN NASI , SEBALIKNYA MAKAN BUAH TERLEBIH DAHULU, BARU MAKAN NASI [start to practice it since 2 years ago...but family aq gelakkan aq plak...katenye buah kan pencuci mulut..pencuci mulut lepas mkn nasilah baru amik...its wrong my dear family...]
  2. BUAH YANG PALING SESUAI DIAMBIL SEBELUM MAKAN TENGAHARI ADALAH BUAH PIC [pelawas yg baek menurut Rasulullah s.a.w] KALAU TIADA..GANTILAH DENGAN TEMBIKAI ATAU PEAR.. [ selalu bedal betik..kne tukar ni..]
  3. TIDUR 1 JAM SELEPAS MAKAN TENGAHARI [no hal...wakakaka]
  4. Jangan Sesekali Tinggal Makan Malam. Sesiapa Yang Tinggal Makan Malam Dia Akan Dimakan Usia & Kolestrol Dalam Badan Akan Berganda [hmm..don't confuse with this statement...yup..we need to have dinner but..x semestinye dinner dgn mkanan yg berat...sebiji kurma pon boleh dikira sbg mkn mlm tau..Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri yg sarankan... mkn mlm better dikurangkan..but tetap wajib diambil...]
  5. WATER WATER WATER...or dlm BMnya...air ayaq ayor... [supplement pling hebat utk kekal muda...wakakakakakaka]
wokey...thats all my tips utk sihat, cergas, cantik lagi awet muda [complete gitu...] futher information...bacelah buku 365 Tips Sihat Gaya Rasulullah oleh Dr. Mohammad Ali Toha [bagus buku ni..especially utk org giler nk sihat mcm aq....wekekekekekekeke] bubbyeyo evelibudy...c u next entrios.. [buruk benor bahasa...sila kutuk;p]

p/s: Menjadi Sihat Adalah Satu Pilihan....(Ferrasta Soehardi) *jgn tanya aq sape die ni sbb aq pon x kenal..tertarik dgn kata2 die jer ok....;)*

Ahad, 10 Mac 2013

a silent birthday

sedehkan tajuk entry hrini...bhahaha..relaks..dont sedeh2...nape aq kate "a silent birthday"...sbb 8 Mac 2013 tu adelah hari aq decide nk smbut birthday ala kadar jer..rse mcm x senonoh pulak klu rse happy trlampau time2 hri Jumaat nih..Jumaatkan penghulu segala relaks2 sudaa....lgpon Jumaat hri special aq...nak tau..pada hari Jumaatlah aq dilahirkan kedunia ini..tepat pukul 2 pagi...based on ape mak aq citer..mse aq lahir dlu..doktor almost sahkan aq meninggal sbb lahir2 tak nangis or brgerak lgsung..kaku....lepas doktor tampar2 badan aq..baru aq nanges and gerak2[kuang asam boi punye doktor..ko tampar aq sampai aq nanges...grrrr] itupon aq nanges kejap jer..pastu senyap[pehh..sampai ke tua tabiat ni..susah nk nanges..yg pelik..klu tgk citer hindustan ngan korea tu..sng pulak air mata ni brjurai jurai] then..mak aq citer lg..mse dlm kjenye asyik tidooooooooo jer..bangun smate2 utk minum susu jer..pastu tidooooooooo lg[kedahsyatan terlampau] mungkin sbb tu smpai skrang..antara hobi utama aq klu kt campus ni adelah membuta...klu kt rumah tu xlah..dok ngadap laptop je kjenye[wifi laju la katekan] bhahahaha..itulah antara citer2 psl aq time purbakala dlu....walaupun "a silent birthday" tp aq tetap happy...wish2 drpd family and friends rsenye dah cukup buat aq sbg smbutan hari jd.....jom aq tunjuk kt korg antara birthday wish utk aq drpd org2 kesygan aq....huehuehuehue

  1. tahniah dan slmt ulgthn ,jgn suka tido dlm kelas slalu,moga trus maju.drp bonda dan ayahnda [ini wish dripd mak ayah aq...hehehe..siap ade pesanan penaja lgtuh...wiwitt..ko ade??]
  2. Happy befday my sister.smoga akak panjang umo dan sihat sjahtera.ikhlas dari adik mu [mesej bufday dri adikku..Nur Aliff...huhu..sungguh suweett klu jumpe dpan2..mcm setan..ade je bende nk cari psl ngan aq]
  3. Happy birthday , Akak :D Dah tua dah kau. kahkahkah [wish birthday pling kuang asam jawa barat dri adik bongsuku..Nur Asila the Debab]
  4. Selamat hari lahir.. my dear friend. Moga dilimpahkan rezeki. diberkati umur.. moga selamat bhagia dnia akhirat. Thank you for everything. [wish from one of my pertama yg wish birthday utk aq..awww..touching gituww...arigato my fren..]
  5. Selamat Ulang Tahun yg ke- 22 Kak... [from my Mak Su...huhu..aiseh terkantoi sudah umo aq]
  6. happy birthday my dear friend..have a wonderful blast.. [ini pon wish dri salah seorg BFF aq...nme je BFF..klu jumpe..kami dah rupe anjing ngan kucing...bertekak bertekak dgn dielah aq pling suke bertekak..Vijaya]
  7. slamat ari lahir wani.. semoga ape yg dhajati trmakbul dhari bhgia ni. SELAMAT HARI LAHIR KAWANKU. [BFF dri darjah 2 punye wish...Hafidah..salah seorg geng bergaduh dan yg pling x mkn saman..]
  8. hey rumet..hepy birthday..kamu suda tua ye skrg..haha..ak muda lgi..may Allah bless u always.. moga mndapat kjayaan d dunia dan di akhirat kelak..aamiin..inshaAllah... [bhahaha..ini wish dri roomateto-sama aq..Norazmawani...stu bilik pon mesej2...bahahaha..arigato2..]
  9. happy birthdayyy beb~ sorrryyy lmbt wish~ semoga pnjang umo n murah rezeki k~ ;p [wish dri kwn senegeri...kwn bergelak sakan..otak ting tong lebeh kurang aq...Siti Zamiah..bhahaha]
  10. hepi bday waney! :) [simple wish from Cik positive thinking her character sometimes..sometimes je k...bhahaha jgn marah syirah..]
  11. happy bufday wani... [sahabat yg rajin mengajakku brjln2 tiap kli cuti sem...Prema...tq Prema..]
  12. wani,,hepy befday..:) [dlm byk2 kwn..kwn yg brnama Siti Marliana nilah yg aq x sangke aq akn brkawan dgn die...mula2 knal die kt tempat keje..mcm blagak je orgnye..dah lme2..boleh bergelak sakan bersama pulek..huehuehue..thanks Ana..]
  13. slamat hari lahir,semoga panjang umur,dimurahkan rezki n sentiasa mendapat redha allah taala..amiin [tweet dri scandal ku...bhahahahaha..xdelah..itu sume gosip semata..jgn percaya...Fahil..kwn dri form 6 hinggalah ke universiti...smpai skrang aq pelik..knape kiteorg byk persamaan??hummpphh..lantaklah..ade aq kesah]
  14. "salam hari kelahiran" [ok..wish ini x termasuk dlm wish birthday dri org kesyangan ok..ini just wish from somebody I know at still wish die buat aq tertacing skit..skit jer..sbb dlm byk2 kwn lelaki yg aq knal..dielah satu2nye lelaki yg x pernah cari pasal ngan aq..dan aq xpernah trdetik pon nk gaduh2 ngan die...such a sweet guy actually...Syi'arruddin]
ok..thats all..klu nk tulis sume mmg jenuh la..yg wish 'hb' je dah berderet...letih deh...but apepon still appreciate it..thank you so much for all the dlm byk2 birthday wish aq dpt...sbenarnye aq ternanti nanti birthday wish dri beberape BFF aq...maybe dieorg x ingat tunggu sgt birthday wish dri dieorg...rse mcm x brape complete birthday aq bile xde wish dri dieorg.....hmmmm...

p/s: I'm everything I am...because you love me......

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Tekanan Darah Rendah - Advise utk diri sendiri!!!

sem lepas aq de buat medical check up...check punya check..tgk dimaklumkan aq de tekanan darah rendah...ok...mengong...apakah??? darah tinggi aq tau...darah rendah??? x cukup darah ea?? cmne nk naekkan tekanan darah kite??? oleh sbb sem lepas aq bz tahap langit ketujuh...maka diri ini amatlah tidak brkesempatan nk buat research pasal tekanan darah rendah ni...option yg hado..kekawn...amik ko..mcm2 advise aq dpt...xtaulah aq advise tu brtauliah atau telah dikompemkan Kementerian Kesihatan ke pollow je....dioerg sruh mkn daging ni pon mknla segala lauk daging yg cafe offer[smpai beli burger pon nk burger daging jer] tp td aq de buat research skit...awal2 sem ni kan..still relaks2 lg..lgpon sem ni sem panjang...xde le rush sgt mcm sem lepas...nk tau ape aq jumpe...huhu..meh le join mnambah general knowledge yg x brape nk hado tu....

Tekanan darah merujuk kepada tekanan yang dikenakan oleh darah pada pembuluh arteri darah ketika darah di pam oleh jantung keseluruh anggota tubuh badan manusia. Tekanan darah di buat dengan mengambil dua ukuran dan biasanya diukur seperti berikut – 120 /80 mmHg. Nombor atas (120) menunjukkan tekanan ke atas pembuluh arteri akibat denyutan jantung. Ia dipanggil tekanan sistolik. Nombor bawah (80) menunjukkan tekanan semasa jantung berehat di antara pengepaman.
Ia dipanggil tekanan diastolik. Masa yang paling baik untuk mengukur tekanan darah adalah semasa anda rehat dan dalam keadaan duduk atau baring.
Sekiranya tekanan darah didapati sentiasa lebih tinggi dari kadar biasa secara berlarutan seseorang itu dikatakan mengalami masalah darah tinggi. Pesakit darah tinggi mesti sekurang-kurangnya mempunyai tiga bacaan tekanan darah yang melebihi 140/90 mmHg semasa berehat.
hmmmm....begitulah citernye[ok senyum...sbenornye aq pon x brape nk paham ape die bebel tu...buek2 paham je lah] 
Cara - cara nak atasi masalah tekanan darah rendah ni ialah: 
  • MINUM AIR SUAM [banyak2!!!..bukan time ko haus jer]

BUKAN minum byk2 teh ais kegemaran ko tu ye Cik Syazwani oiitt

  • MINUM KOPI SEKALI SEKALA [sesekali minum kopi dpt tingkatkan degupan jantung...Sekali Sekala yer...bukan berkali kali..ok bukan ske sgt kopi klu skali skala..syok gak bedal ayaq kopi ni..]

  • Pastikan mengambil GARAM secukupnya sahaja [not less or MORE...jgn nk gatal2 tmbah garam satu senduk senduk kpala ko]

Garam Putih...penaja utama rancangan kita harini..dapatkan ia segera dipasaran sekarang!!
Garam Putih...Garam Pilihan Sanubari Anda..(^_^)v

  • makan sayur BAYAM banyak2...[Popeye the Sailor Man...puutt puutt!!] 

  • yg ni yg pling senang utk diamalkan...keh3xx..pengambilan coklat, mentega dan keju jugak digalakan utk mereka2 yg mengalami tekanan darah rendah....hehehe

  • DAGING KAMBING..bagus utk tingkatkan haemoglobin dlm badan sbb org tekanan darah rendah..haemoglobin die rendah sikit..haemoglobin yg rendah mnyebabkan kite mengalami pucat, pening, cepat penat dan sebagainya. 

artis undangan pada harini...En Embek Embek...wiwitt!!

itulah antara info yg aq dpt dri pembacaan aq kt internet...nk mncari buku pasal mende ni mmg haram jadahla x jumpe...internet jelah yg hado...keh3x...ini blog yg aq bce klu korg x caye fakta aq ni.. so thats all for now...jom tingkatkan tekanan darah kita....huahuahuahuahua!!!

p/s: Jgn sampai kene darah tinggi pulak....

Hai Visitors...

Sebelum anda membaca blog ini, anda diperingatkan bahawa penulis blog adalah insan biasa seperti anda yang melalui hidupnya dengan pelbagai kisah gembira, sedih, bangang, pelik, sengal dan pelbagai lagi moments yang susah benor nak dijangka. Pada ketika ini penulis blog sedang sibuk melanjutkan pelajarannya di Northern University of Malaysia[UUM ler] dalam bidang pengangkutan dan hanya apabila penulis blog berasa lapang atau sengaja melapangkan masa yang sememangnya tak akan lapang untuk mengupdate blognya..maaf diminta jika utk seketika blog ni berhabuk + berdebu + bersawang + berlumut + berlapuk [ok2 sudah le tu]..itu tandanya penulis blog sedang sangat bz dengan kalau anda nak baca jugak blog ini pada ketika itu..bacalah je la apa yg ade didepan mata anda sekian..terima kasih:]

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Dlm Robok Aq...

1.Cinta Akan Indah - *** [ bleh la ;I ]

2.Tahu Rasa Cinta - ***** [ superb ;D ]

3.Akhirnya Aku Kahwin - *** [ bleh la ;I ]

4.Hati Kala Cinta - **** [ bleh tahan ;) ]

5.Kopi Susu Sepatu Biru - *** [ bleh la :I ]