yuhhuu..ape kabar..shat??de cakit2 x??kih3xxx...hahahaha..perhhh x mcm brgunung habuk kt blog aq ni kan...almaklumla lme x update[syg duit pnye psl]...sorry le..kje la..xsmpat nk online[alasan semata]...kli ni update nk upload pic byk skit...rindu aq kan?? [ade ke??] ...hri sabtu hri tu..7 MEI 2011..my fren & I g holiday2 at one of my fren rakit house..me feel so happy2 you know[ape la buruk benor bahase]..xnk story too long la..see the pic k..kih3x
credits to all the photografer[x brlesen] on that day..the pic looks really nice guys...aq yg mne??[tetibe BM plak] xkn x knal kot??yg tudung biru..baju biru tu[prasan blues angel la tu] tp dlm happy2 tu..teringat plak kt member2 kitaorg yg xdpt join sme tu..Fiqa, Prema, Qeha....klu de dieorg mesti lg best...its ok la..maybe next time kot...thats all for now..nnt aq ceciter lg k...sayonara!!! [ble mse aq blajar bahasa ni??]
p/s: I love my friends before, now, tomorrow and until the day I dead...
0 Jeritan!!:
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