hehehe..org laen time awal muharam dok rumah..g masjid mkn bubur asyura ke..beramal jariah ke...aq???hehehe..g hangout ngan my "hou peng you"[my best friend in mandrin] Siti Zamiah Saim[ewahh..pemes la ko lpas ni miah oiitt]..g Alor Star..hehehe..best[walaupun dugaannye..Allah je yg taw]...oleh sbb stock duit dlm poket x byk..so hanya window shopping shj yg mampu dilakukan[nk wat cmne..PTPTN still in proses]..turun je dri bus zaman P.Ramlee..terus nmpak Pekan Rabu..ooouuhh..excited gler..rpe2nye inilah Pekan Rabu yg pemes sgt tu...sesak betul[mne taknye..ko dtg time cuti umum]...byk kerepek2 kt ctu..ish menggoda iman aq betul[da la aq ni HANTU KEREPEK]..tp xper..aq survey2 dlu skrang..nnt aq da abes blaja nnt..time nk konvo[Insyaallah]..aq jak mak pak aq dtg Pekan Rabu tu...huhu..shopping kerepek..bleh paw bapak aq beli byk2[die pon HANTU KEREPEK gak]...jimat duit sendiri..hehehe...lpas tu kiteorg g melantak kt KFC sbb cri2 McD x jumpe[padahal depan mate je..pon x prasan]....sedap..mkn ayam goreng KFC..ummmphh[mcm x pernah mkn je minah ni taw]..nk skit?? amik ar..

sedap???kih3xx...pas da mncekik tu..kiteorg jln2 kt City Plaza..smpat jgk la tgk wayang jap..nk tgk criter omputih[apa barang g wayang tgk criter melayu..never2] malangnye..panggung wayang die cume tayang criter melayu je??cehhh..low class betul la...nk x nk..layan jgk la criter melayu yg hado time tu...ni hah buktinye..

ni la criter melayu yg telah kami layan..seriously..criter ni merepek sehh..or easy to say..syok sendri punye criter..fantasi yg kurang real[cmne tuh??]..sbb tu aq x ske tgk criter melayu klu g wayang..x berbaloi..baik tgk criter omputih..berbaloi-baloi nilainye:D......sbelom blik tu smpat jugak la beli keychain kt Pekan Rabu tu..ni die...cantek x??

hehehehe..gitar..bru la rock[ececeh].....thats all la aq nk criter..sbenornye byk lagi bende aq nk habaq kt korg sume..tp time to do rivision la..sorry..next time kite mencoret lg yerp...tata!!
p/s: maap ye pic kureng cantek skit..camera handphone murah mmg mcm ni..:P
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